Run advertisements on XWords to reach your target audience. XWords is among the most popular crossword generators on the web. My users love XWords because it is free, fast, and simple to use.
I launched XWords in the Summer of 2012, and traffic has been growing steadily since then. In 2021 XWords totaled around 2,200,000 page views.
XWords is available both in English and German. Since roughtly 95 percent of all page views are made to the German version of XWords, the English version is not targeted separately for advertisements at the moment.
You can find a more detailed insight into XWords view metrics further down the page.
Interested? Send me an email to or give me a call at +49 178 33 26 323 to talk about advertisements!
Advertisements on XWords are sold in four slots, each of which is displayed on all pages one fourth of the time. Each advertisement is thus displayed, on average, just shy of 45,900 times per month, for the price of €90.00 per month (plus 19% VAT).
Currently available slots: 4
Payment has to be made upfront in full and you will receive an invoice either per mail or email.
Format of your advertisement
Because XWords is fully responsive, your advertisement should be too! The size of the advertisement varies from screen to screen. Here is a short overview:
On large screens (window width of at least 800 pixels) your ad will be displayed in an area of 250x800 pixels. So your ad can be up to 250 pixels wide and up to 800 pixels tall.
On small screens (window width of less than 800 pixels) your ad will be displayed in an area which spans the full width of the website minus 10 pixels margin on each side (up to 780 pixels wide) and is 250 pixels tall.
You can provide your advertisement either as two images (one sized 350x250 pixels or smaller and one sized 250x800 pixels or smaller) which will be displayed on small and large screen respectively. Or you can provide an HTML snippet, which can adapt to the current screen size via css media queries and utilize the full size of the area. I will gladly help you with any questions you might have!
Placement of your advertisement
Take a look at where your advertisement will be placed on the website, both on large screens (window width of at least 800 pixels) and small screens (window width of less than 800 pixels).
Solve-Online page

All other pages

Placement in search engines
XWords receives most of its from Google, since it is listed as the very first result on many popular German search queries like »kreuzworträtsel generator«, »kreuzworträtsel erstellen« and similar generic queries one might use when searching for a crossword puzzle generator.
Contact me for further information
Interested? Send me an email to or give me a call at +49 178 33 26 323 to talk about advertisements!